· Positive behavioral interventions and supports (PBIS) are based on four elements: (1.) clearly defined outcomes, (2.) behavioral and biomedical science, (3.) practices demonstrated effective through research, (4.) systemic approaches that enhance the learning environment and outcomes for all students.
· The starting point for interventions is prevention.
· Token economy is a prevention strategy that creates a system in which students earn “money” that they exchange for rewards.
o This website explains what a token economy is in public schools and explains the past and the history of these economies and why they work with children.
· A teacher’s initial response to student behavior often determines whether a problem situation develops and how intense it is.
· Functional behavior assessment (FBA) is a problem-solving process implemented for any student with a disability who has chronic, serious behavior problems.
o This website offers guidance on functional behavior assessments and how to implement it.
· Social reinforcers are various types of positive interactions that a teacher, parent, or peer can give a student to reward appropriate behavior and increase it.
· Activity reinforcers involve activities such as playing games, having extra recess, helping a teacher in another class, and participating in other coveted individual or group pastimes.
· Tangible reinforcers are prizes and other objects that students can earn as symbols of achievement and that students want to obtain.
· A behavior contract is an agreement between the teacher and student that clearly specifies the expectations for the student, the rewards for meeting those expectations, the consequences of not meeting them, and the timeframe for which the agreenment is valid.
o Resource: http://www.interventioncentral.org/index.php/challenging-students/132-behavior-contracts
o This website provides advice on how to implement behavior contracts and the advantages of it this type of intervention.